Progress Plan, v.2


  • Create a journey map
    Zoom out and identify pain points and opportunities within the area of urban biking.
  • Create a conceptual model of project
    Narrow in on a concept suitable for our thesis
  • Host King of Two Wheels bike challenge
    Organize a bike challenge in the studio to test concepts and conduct user research.


  • Conduct contextual research (November 3)
    Continue to learn about projects with similar concepts and features
  • In-Ride-Experience MVP (November 1-30)
    Choose a route, get people to ride it, ride behind them while providing voice directions and testing main concepts.
  • Develop an MVP (November 15-December 19)
    Software: Creating a web app for a user to input start and end point, and get directions through voice.
    Hardware: R&D for speakers, bluetooth, button, sensors, and connecting these pieces to each other and the app.
  • Pitch video (by Christmas)
    Show our product and it’s features. Purpose is to get our ideas out there, get feedback and solicit help with our next steps and development.
  • Redesign blog (by Christmas)
    Get our blog in shape with a nice visual profile.

Christmas Break

  • Define Alpha prototype (January)
    Which features and what technology
  • Build Alpha prototype (January-April)
    Make the technology work
    Design interface with mobile app
    Design interface with helmet
    Develop personality, language and visuals

Spring Break (March 2-11)
SXSW (March 9-13)

  • Release Alpha prototype (mid-March)
    release prototype for 4-8 people to test
  • Iterate on Alpha prototype (mid-March-April)
  • Documentation (mid-March-April)

Graduation (early May)

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